The purpose of the Hoover-Meredith Booster Club is to promote and foster interest in and goodwill towards extracurricular activities of Hoover High School and Meredith Middle School. These include athletic teams, fine arts programs and school sanctioned organizations at both schools. 



Booster Club Membership-Why join?

By joining the Booster Club, you help us meet our school athletic and fine arts department needs that are outside the scope of their budget. When you go a step further and volunteer to help with events—or join our board— you set a fine example for our students to follow, and greatly encourage staff, parents and community.


The Booster Club has helped finance several items, such as the nets for the baseball batting cage, the scoreboard at the football field, timer pads for the swimming pool, Hoover auditorium seating and post-prom grants, to name a few of the most recent projects.

Join the Booster Club




Help our students have a wonderful, and safe post prom.  Choose a donation amount that works for you or enter your own amount. Everything helps and is appreciated!


Donate to post prom today!



Thank you for supporting post prom for our students!

Fundraising Campaign

If you would like to support the Booster Club please click the Donate button below. Donations can be made with most credit/debit cards. Thank you for your support! 


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